22 aprAbstracts presented in 2013

Händel MN, Heitmann BL, Abrahamsen B. Dietary risk factors and childhood fractures accepted and presented in poster session  at the Lassen-Dagen: A research day at the Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg Hospital, Copenhagen (Denmark), December 9, 2013.

Jensen CB, Berentzen TL, Gamborg M, Sørensen TIAS, and Heitmann BL. Does prenatal exposure to vitamin D fortified margarine and milk alter birth weight? A societal experiment accepted and presented in oral presentation session at the Lassen-Dagen: A research day at the Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg Hospital, Copenhagen (Denmark), December 9, 2013.

Stougaard M, Damm P, Heitmann BL. Foetal vitamin D exposure and the risk of preeclampsia accepted and presented in poster session at the Lassen-Dagen: A research day at the Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg Hospital, Copenhagen (Denmark), December 9, 2013.

Heitmann BL. Vitamin D in early life and risk of later obesity and diabetes accepted and presented as an oral presentation at the Boden Institute Academic Research Seminar ath the University of Sidney, Sidney (Australia), November 14, 2013

Heitmann BL,  Jacobsen R, Abrahamsen B, Bauerek M, Holst C, Jensen CB, Knop J,  Raymond K, Rasmussen LB, Sørensen TIAS, Vaag  A. The D-tect study, A societal intervention to examine the influence of exposure to vitamin D in fetal life for development of fractures, obesity and type 1 diabetes later in life accepted and presented in poster presentation session at the 8th World Congress on Development Origin of Health and Disease (DOHaD), Singapore (Republic of Singapore), November 17-20, 2013.

Jensen CB, Berentzen TL, Gamborg M, Sørensen TIAS, and Heitmann BL. Does prenatal exposure to vitamin D fortified margarine and milk alter birth weight? A societal experiment accepted and presented in poster presentation session at the 8th World Congress on Development Origin of Health and Disease (DOHaD), Singapore (Republic of Singapore), November 17-20, 2013.

Jacobsen R, Heitmann BL, Vaag A, Raymond K, Sorensen TIA, Abrahamsen B. Influence of early exposure to vitamin D for later development of type 1 diabetes accepted and presented in poster session at the IUNS 20th International Congress on Nutrition, Granada (Spain), September 15-20, 2013; published in Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2013, 63 (suppl. 1) p. 845.

Jensen CB, Berentzen TL, Gamborg M, Sørensen TIAS, and Heitmann BL: Does prenatal exposure to vitamin D fortified margarine and milk alter birth weight? A societal experiment accepted and presented in oral presentation session at the Summer School of Molecular Metabolism, Ebberup (Denmark), September 3-6, 2013.